About Artbeat Feats

Artbeat Feats is an blog and channel that seeks to promote wellness through fitness, creativity, and craft. Artbeat combines the word heartbeat with art, connecting effort and vision with heart. Feats refers to heroism in committing time for oneself to small acts of creativity and learning in daily life. I am a teacher and lifelong learner in multimedia art and dance for fitness. Through Artbeat Feats, I seek to promote:

…(identifying) that pursuit which you are truly passionate about and (attempt) to give yourself absolutely to it. In so doing, you will find your fullest potential and serve your community to the greatest possible extent.

Joseph Campbell Foundation1

As a graphic artist, I have been making and curating art graphics and photography along the way, which you can find in my gallery and shop.

  1. *“Follow Your Bliss.” Joseph Campbell Foundation, 28 Nov. 2022, jcf.org/about-joseph-campbell/follow-your-bliss/. ↩︎
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